Krishi Nutrition manufactures and sells an extensive range of products to cater to various segments in livestock and poultry such as feed for milch cows & buffaloes, calves, sheep & goats, broiler, layer, nattukozhi (country chicken feed), and quail. With a view to diversifying their business and expanding their services, Krishi has plans to step into Agri – input business and commodity trading which will help to maintain the lead in Indian Animal Feed Industry. Krishi has recently stepped into the “Broiler Integration” segment in Tamil Nadu to optimize the opportunities to emerge as a leader.
Krishi Cattle Feed
Dairy cows demand a balanced diet for milk production, body maintenance, and good health. The cattle feed being the most important input has to be provided it optimal levels of quality commensurate with the production of the animal. The amount of milk produced by the animal is largely influenced by what is fed and how feeding is done. The amount of feed provided to the cows depends mainly on the amount of milk it produces and also on its weight, environmental temperature, and levels of activity. Of late, many farmers are turning to compound cattle feed fed along with dry fodder and green grass as a regular form of nourishment for dairy animals. This improves productivity, optimizes the cost of milk production, and increases net profitability.
Krishi Nutrition Company Private Limited has various balanced cattle feed formulations catering to medium & high milk yielders, dry and working animals.
KNC Pro24+ Pellet is a super-premium pellet cattle feed meant for high yielders, yielding more than 15 liters of milk in a day. KNC Pro24+ is specially designed with 24% protein to have significant improvement in quantity and quality of milk, fat & SNF contents and ensure proper reproductive capabilities. It is available in a 50Kg BOPP bag.
KNC Bypass+ Pellet is a premium pellet cattle feed for cows yielding 10-15 liters of milk in a day. KNC Bypass+ Pellet offers higher nutritive values through premium protein such as “Bypass protein”. It is fully utilized by the animal and results in optimal health care, less nutritive deficiency disorders, and high production as per the genetic potential of the animal and ensures proper reproductive cycles. It is available in 20Kg, 50Kg and 70Kg PP bags.
KNC Special Pellet is designed for animals yielding up to 10 liters of milk in a day. Available in 20Kg, 50Kg and 70Kg PP bags.
KNC Value Pack Pellet is meant for dry and working cattle as a maintenance diet available in a 50Kg PP bag.
Krishi Calf Feed
A heifer is the future cow. The health of the heifer calves depends heavily on the level of care they receive. Every calf born in a dairy farm represents an opportunity to maintain or improve the herd genetically and to increase the economic returns to the farm. The calf gains about 500 gms per day and will weigh 60Kg to 80Kg during 3 to 6 months of age. To match these growth rates, feeding the appropriate quantity and quality of feed is the most vital. For calves up to 1 year of age, it is always desirable to give sufficient concentrates in addition to good quality roughage to gain optimum growth rate.
Raising calves is by far the most difficult operation in a dairy farming enterprise, requiring a lot of management skills, application, and constant attention. Feeding of calves during the first 3 months is very crucial. In our country calf mortality constitutes one of the major causes of loss in the dairy sector. Proper feeding during this stage will avoid calf mortality. There is still a lack of awareness on colostrum feeding which is very important for offering immunity to the newborn.
Krishi Nutrition Company Private Limited has the right feed to cater to the calf stage. It ensures the bio-availability of both energy and protein, whose quality and digestibility are essential to ensure attainment of maturity at the right age and optimal growth rate thus transforming the calves into profitable dairy cows. Krishi’s Calf Starter is available in 20Kg PP bags in pellet form.
Krishi Sheep and Goat Feed / chicken feed
Sheep and goats are a great source of revenue for the farmer, a low input-moderate income source. Sheep and goats, seemingly less complicated in their rearing can yield better if reared scientifically. One of the key factors in scientific rearing is understanding of their nutrition.
The nutritional requirement of the sheep & goat is affected by various factors like growth, maintenance, pregnancy, lactation, environment, and level of activities. While preparing a ration for them, factors like bulk, palatability, availability, price, and digestibility should be considered along with the nutritive quality of the feed. Goats have higher maintenance ratio requirements than cattle because of having higher basal metabolic rates. During the last 2 months of pregnancy, the nutritional requirement increases. After 4 days of kidding, the diet can be reduced and made more fibrous to minimize the shock to the udder. After this period, the feeding can be resumed at the normal rate.
Krishi Nutrition Company Private Limited manufactures specialty pellet feed for sheep and goats considering the nutritive requirement of indigenous as well as exotic breeds. The feed is easily digestible, has better feed conversion efficiency, ensures higher growth rate and body weight gain, and brings about soft, shiny skin and coat, resulting in strong health status and immune system to resist diseases. The feed is fortified with all essential vitamins and minerals resulting in a higher reproductive rate and it does not contain any non-protein nitrogenous compounds.
Krishi sheep & goat feed is recommended from 200 gms to 250 gms per day, in general, depending on the size and bodyweight of the animal along with sufficient green and dry fodders. The feed is available in pellet form in 20Kg and 50Kg PP bags.
Krishi Broiler Feed / chicken feed
The poultry farmer who raises chicken for either egg or meat contributes greatly to Nation-building by providing the much-needed protein in a cost-effective way. Broiler chickens are raised for meat production. Broilers convert feed into meat quickly and efficiently with a relatively lower environmental impact compared to other livestock. Broiler feed cost is the most important input in the production of broilers. The quality of feed is very important for running the broiler farm business profitably.
Krishi broiler feeds maintain the highest quality standards to deliver the best cost-benefit ratio in the farms. The drive for quality at Krishi Nutrition Company Private Limited starts right at choosing the best quality raw materials. Krishi has well-designed feed formulations taking into the nutritional requirement of the bird at different weeks of age. The feed is manufactured at the plant with state-of-the-art production facilities.
Krishi broiler feed comes in both crumble and pellet forms that ensure the homogenous distribution of essential feed ingredients and nutrients to bring out the best results. Apart from providing the higher requirement of protein & energy, the Krishi broiler feed is rich in all essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other value-added feed additives. Krishi broiler feeds are available in 50Kg PP bags.
Krishi Layer Feed / chicken feed
The chicken of today is the descendants of jungle fowl. The mature fowl hens of yesteryears used to lay about 12 eggs per year that too only during the breeding season. Genetic selection over generations and scientific feeding methods have resulted in the development of chickens that can lay almost 330 eggs per year.
Nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fat, minerals, and vitamins provide for optimal development of bone, flesh, feathers, and eggs. At the chick stage, there is a higher demand for nutrition to match the rapid growth and feather development. The feeding management of layer pellets is aimed to enable them to attain sexual maturity at the desired age but at the same time avoid obesity. From week 18, pellets start to enter their laying period, reaching a peak of lay around 28 weeks of age, and typically maintain egg production until 72 weeks of age.
During the laying phase, the diet should be optimized to improve egg production in terms of egg numbers and egg size. The feed also helps to safeguard health and maintain the desired body weight. In particular, inclusion level of calcium is increased for better eggshell production. The feed intake is kept at a steady level of 108-112 grams per day to maintain the layer body weight at 1300-1450 grams.
Krishi layer feeds are of excellent quality at an affordable price. The feed is fortified with necessary digestible amino acids, vitamins, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, toxin binders, and other required nutrients to ensure the best possible Hen House Production %. The variants of feed for different age groups are available in 50Kg PP bags as crumble, pellet, and mash forms.
Krishi Nattukozhi Feed / Country Chicken Feed
Poultry farming in India has come a long way from backyard farming with less than a hundred birds to a techno-commercial industry with thousands or lakhs of birds in the last three decades. India as of date is the World’s third-largest egg producer and fourth-largest in chicken meat. This achievement can be attributed mainly due to larger commercial poultry operations. However, the contribution of Nattukozhi chicken (backyard desi bird farming) cannot be ignored. In fact, even today Nattukozhi remains the preferred variety of meat for its perceived taste and health.
The key to optimal growth and high performance is the balanced approach to nutrition. Though Nattukozhi rearing is less technical and scientific, at Krishi we realize its value and come out with a balanced diet with high-quality raw materials like corn, soybean extract, rice polish, vitamins, minerals along with all essential feed additives and suitable anti-coccidial drugs (to control coccidiosis which is a challenging disease in Nattukozhi farming) to complete the spectrum of nutritional requirement.
Krishi Nattukozhi feed ensures better digestibility and good feed conversion ratio (FCR) leading to great bodyweight, lower mortality, shiny feathering, tender, and juicy meat. Krishi Nattukozhi Chicken feed is available at an affordable price in starter and finisher formulations as crumbles in 50Kg PP bags. The Krishi Nattukozhi Chicken feed is complete and does not require any other natural feed substances to be fed additionally.
Krishi Quail Feed / chicken feed
Japanese quails are hardy birds and are inexpensive to rear. They are produced mainly for their eggs and meat. Though quail rearing is comparatively lesser, Krishi Nutrition Company Private Limited understands the intricacies of this ‘niche’ area and is eager to reach out to the quail farmer and offers a helping hand with a solution for the issue of quail feeding.
For deriving the maximum benefit out of quail farming, it is necessary to feed a balanced ratio since feed constitutes 60-70% of the total investment to run a farm successfully. Balanced nutrition is the most important input to maintain quails in good physical condition to obtain optimal growth and egg production.
The matured female here lays more than 200 eggs in their first year of lay and is capable of producing more than 300 eggs per year. The egg weighs 10 grams on average. The quail broiler chicks require protein-rich “Pre-starter” and “Starter” type rations to achieve faster weight gain to hit the market in 30 plus days.
Krishi’s quail feed variants are designed to have all essential required nutrients like protein, energy, vitamins, minerals, etc., to meet the balanced nutritional requirement of the quail. Krishi’s quail broiler and layer feed variants are available in crumble and mash farms in 50Kg PP bags.
Head office
Krishi Nutrition Company Private Limited
2nd Floor, Ragul Towers,
# 238/1, Bhavani Main Road,
Perundurai – 638 052, Erode Dist.
Tamilnadu, India
Factory sites
Plot Nos.R41, R43, KK8 & KK9
SIPCOT Industrial Growth Centre,
Perundurai – 638 052, Erode (DT),
Tamil Nadu.
Contact Us
Customer Care: +91 95855 98691
Phone: 04294 223466
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