Vangili Group based at Namakkal. Tamilnadu is one of the leading manufacturers of poultry feed, table eggs, hatching eggs and broiler. They are the first company to introduce the expander technology based poultry feed manufacturing in the Asia region for manufacturing poultry feeds of highest quality at the most competitive cost.
Their product ranges includes:
- Poultry Feed
- Cattle Feed
- Broiler
- Parent Stock
- Chicks (Day Old Broiler Chicks)
- Full Fat Soya
- Hatching Eggs
- Commercial Broiler (Cobb)
- Eggs (Table Eggs)
Poultry feed refers to the food, concentrates, premixes, additives and chemicals used in the commercial farming of chickens, turkey, quails and other birds. Generally, a feed is prepared by mixing nutritional supplements in the grains to maintain the health of poultry and quality of their meat and eggs. It comes in several forms such as Mash, Pellets, Crumbles and Scratch grain to provide best food to broilers, layers, baby chicks and hatching.
Vangili Feeds is one of the largest manufacturers of premium quality chicken feed in India. We are a trusted provider of all kind of poultry feeds developed by our agricultural scientists after a lot of research and experimentation done on animal diets.
Our manufacturing units are well equipped with latest feed milling technology and world’s finest equipment. Rigorous quality checks are performed during the procurement process of raw materials that are used in the manufacturing of broiler feed. We take extreme care of hygiene, cleanliness and dryness of raw material and finished products to prevent contamination and to save your birds from infections.
To maintain quality of our poultry products, we have a lab in every plant with state-of-the-art testing facilities, every packet go through several tests to ensure the nutritional value we promise.We have been awarded ISO 9001-2015 certified by International Organization for Standardization for following strict food quality control measures at all the stages of production.
Feed Mill Capacity Pellet (New Feed Mill) 400 tones/ day 10000-12000 tones per month, Feed Mill Mash 3000-4000 tones per month and commercial placement 3,00,000 chicks per week.
A healthy broiler chicken or any other bird requires a certain amount of protein, vitamin, carbohydrate and minerals (calcium, phosphorus etc.) in their daily diet. Feed quantity and nutrition value depends on many factors such as weather, age, weight, body growth rate and egg production rate. Therefore, we have created different feed formulations for better health and proper poultry nutrition.
As we all know that feeding practices of the Cattle do not give all the required nutrition for efficient milk production, body maintenance and better reproduction. So dairy farmers are suggested to feed their animals with Vangili Cattle Feed which will increase the productivity of animals by providing balanced nutrition with necessary proteins, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals etc. in required proportion as suggested by animal nutritionists.
Vangili Cattle Feed increases milk production
- Improvement in health of animal
- Regularization of reproductive cycle and animal coming to heat at regular interval.
- Prevention from metabolic diseases and deficiency syndromes.
- Improvement in Immunity of animal
Vangili Full Fat Soy bean meal is produced through unique processing methods of high-quality soybean meal. Through this process the anti-nutritive factors are minimized to improve the nutrient quality, palatability and animal performance.
The unique processing helps to retain the best possible nutrient profile, superior oxidative quality which helps for better animal performance.
Full fat soya capacity is 1800 tones per month.
Optimally processed through unique methods to minimize the anti-nutritive factors like trypsin inhibitors and
to increase the availability and quality of nutrients like fat and protein etc.,
Delivers superior metabolizable energy, amino acid profile and better essential fatty acid such as
linoleic acid.
Parent stock forms a crucial link in commercial poultry industry as they are the breeders used to produce the layers or broilers used in the production houses. Vangili’s integrated facilities comprise standalone hatcheries and units for breeding, growing and laying units. Closed Environment Controlled houses for better hygiene and safety High-quality Day Old Chicks packaged and transported after sexing and vaccination to receive Parent stock of the highest quality. Vangili Feeds’s in-depth understanding farmers need and the Indian environmental conditions helps select the right breed.
Day-old broiler chicks are supplied to farmers and industrialist who grow the chicks over 36 days to the correct slaughter weight. Our farms are spread across various locations in South India.
The hatching egg’s has the weight of 58 – 65 grams, which has the hatchability of 80% and above result. The day old chicks are vaccinated as per the requirement of the buyers. Birds specification : The parent bird for all eggs will be in the growing stage of (33- 48 Weeks), so there will not be any quality compromise in the 1st quality eggs. All our Eggs are purchased in the 33 – 48 Weeks duration, so quality guaranteed.
To keep a strict check on the quality of the products, we have professional quality analysts with rich domain experience. Feel free to approach us, if seeking for top-of-the-line quality Broiler Hatching Eggs!
As we are backed by a team of quality controllers who make sure that the offered lot is in complete conformity with the quality standards, We make sure that the products that we deliver will remain completely damage free and we make use of the quality packaging material and have skilled personnel for the packing of the products.
- Fresh & healthy
- Available in bulk
- Competitive price
We are engaged in supplying domestic and exporting a premium quality table eggs. Our eggs are tested in various parameters such as bird flu, salmonella infection and other contamination. Eggs are all-natural and packed with a number of nutrients. The eggs are completely safe and are certified. Our eggs are 100% safe for human consumption.
Each egg contains 13 essential vitamins and minerals in varying amounts, high-quality protein, unsaturated fats and antioxidants, all for 70 calories. We supply best quality eggs at most competitive price. These are packed in superior quality. We ensure prompt delivery.We ensure that the eggs are graded, cleaned and packed in cardboard/plastic carton, using stringent standards.
Commercial Table Eggs Produced under modern Cage system, maintain hygienically with proper nutrition feeding to the birds with required minerals Calcium, phosphorous and vitamins. For producing quality eggs, Packed on Paper pulp trey, and cartoon for easy market.
- High quality
- 100% purity
- Longtime freshness
- Preparation of many dishes
- Rich taste
- High nutritious value
- Affordable price
we, Vangili are producing one day-old chicks which are hatched from eggs produced from layer breeders housed in the company’s facilities. The egg incubation stage is followed by the chick hatching procedure and finally the vaccination. The company will make sure that the product delivered to farms is of the best possible quality.
Our day old chick is considered to be of good quality if it has the capacity to grow and mature in line with its genetic potential. The chick is alert and active, with a closed navel and well developed legs that are soft and well hydrated when the toes are extended or stretched. In addition the hocks of a first class chick will show no signs of swelling and be of normal skin colour. Conversely, chicks of inferior quality often show dehydrated legs with red, swollen hocks.
Our breeders relatively older breed based on breeding stock and benefiting from a long period of adaptation to Indian climatic and conditions housed in the company’s premises produce one day-old broiler chicks of high quality and vitality.
Vangili Broiler Chicken : It’s a tender meat young chicken that grows from a hatch weight of 40 grams to a weight over approximately around 1.5 kg to 2 kg in about 6 weeks time period only. Broilers today has emerged as the one of the fastest growing poultry segment with the increased acceptance of broiler chicken meat in cities, towns, and villages, the demand and consumption of broiler chicken is increasing day by day in a fast pace. In India, during the last few years, poultry farming has taken a U- turn from a backyard venture into a fastest growing commercial sector. For achieving better profits from poultry industry, One should be aware and have good knowledge on its technicality viz: housing, breed, feed management, and over all maintenance.
Broiler poultry farming is a lucrative business now in INDIA. Generally highly meat productive birds or poultry breeds are called broiler poultry. This broiler is made in a scientific way for producing more meat in a short time. Basically, broilers are only for meat production.
VANGILI FEEDS (Manufacturer of Poultry Feed)
Fed Mill Capacity Pellet (New Feed Mill) 400 tones/ day 10000-12000 tons per month , Feed Mill Mash 3000-4000 tons per month
The first feed mill in India with Expander Technology besides being the only plant having the capacity to produce both Poultry feed & Full Fat Soya with a high level of Automation in the state of Tamil Nadu.
Ours is the first project of its kind, having Expander, Pellet Mill, Long conditioner, MFS, Extruder together in a single plant In India.
The plant is so fully automated that it can be operated with just 5 skilled persons.
Full automation is implemented from raw material receiving to finished goods dispatch.
Our plant has the Bulk FG loading facility as well as bag loading facility.
Hatching unit with a capacity to hatch 4,00,000 capacity per week
Broiler Breeder Layer Farm unit to rear about 125000 Broiler Breeder Layer birds.
We are having our Farm at Parali Village, Namakkal Tk., to rear about 34000 Layer Commercial Chicks, 34000 Layer Commercial Grower birds, and 170000 Commercial Layer birds. We also have one more unit at Kurumbapatty village, Namakkal Tk., to rear about 50000 Layer Commercial Chicks, 50000 Layer Commercial Grower birds, and 250000 Commercial Layer birds.
VANGILI GROUP Manufacturers of Poultry Feed
Vangili Complex,
6/315-2A, Trichy Road,
Namakkal – 637 001. India.
+91 94426 10296
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Hi good piece of content shared about poultry -broilers
We are interested in distribution broiler feed if you give distribution for Hyderabad area.