Bannari Amman Bio Division is an IMO Control India – Organic Certified leading manufacturer of Naturally Enriched bio fungicides, Bio fertilizers & bio insecticides.
Our Products
- Bio Fungicides
- Bio Insecticides
- Bio Nematicides
- Decomposing Culture
- Seaweed Products
- Micronutrient Mixtures
(1) BIO FUNGICIDES Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
LEAF GUARD (Bacillus licheniformis) Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
Sugarcane, Turmeric, Paddy, Banana, Coconut, Pulses, Tomato, Bhendi, Brinjal, Chillies, Onion, Ginger, Potato, Betel vine, Arecanut, Tea, Cardamom, Pepper, Grapes, Groundnut, Coffee, and other vegetables and flowering plants.
Controlled diseases
Many fungal diseases including Actinopelte Leafspot, Alternaria Leafspot, Leaf blight, Anthracnose, Leaf blotch, Drechslera Ink spot, Bipolaris Leafspot and Rhizoctonia blight.
Methods of Application
Foliar spray
Mix 2 litres or 4 kgs of Bannari Leaf Guard in 1 kg of jaggery solution. Mix the solution in 100 litres of water for spraying. Repeat the spraying at fortnightly interval.
ROOT CARE (TV) (Trichoderma viride) Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
Sugarcane, Turmeric, Banana, Coconut, Groundnut, Pulses, Tomato, Bhendi, Brinjal, Chillies, Onion, Ginger, Potato, Betelvine, Mulberry, Arecanut, Tea, Cardamom, Pepper, Grapes, Coffee and other Vegetables and Flowering Plants.
Salient Features
Bannari Root Care (TV), secrete enzymes like glucanase and chitinase, which dissolve cell wall of the pathogenic fungi thereby reduce the disease factors.
Bannari Root Care (TV) , secrete toxic compounds like glycotoxin, viridin and trichodermin, which destroy the pathogenic fungi.
Methods of Application
Seed treatment
Mix 100 ml or 200 gms of Bannari Root Care (TV) with rice gruel or 5 % jaggery solution. Treat the seed materials required for an acre in the slurry before sowing.
Seedling, Tuber and Sett treatment
Dip the seedling, tuber and sett required for an acre in the solution containing 1 litre or 2 kgs of Bannari Root Care (TV) with 50 litres of water.
Soil application
Mix 3 – 4 litres or 6 – 8 kgs of Bannari Root Care (TV) with 500 kgs of decomposed farm yard manure or biocompost and apply to the field. For the crop plants planted in pit, pit application should be done. For banana and coconut plants, Bannari Root Care (TV) is applied at a depth of 2-3 cm @ 30 ml or 50 gms mixed with well decomposed farm yard manure near the root zone and cover it with soil
Drip Irrigation
Apply 3 – 4 litres of Bannari Root Care (TV) per acre.
PSEUDO CARE (Pseudomonas fluorescens) Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
Sugarcane, Turmeric, Paddy, Banana, Coconut, Pulses, Tomato, Bhendi, Brinjal, Chillies, Onion, Ginger, Potato, Betelvine, Mulberry, Arecanut, Tea, Cardamom, Pepper, Grapes, Groundnut, Coffee, Vegetables and Flowering Plants.
Salient Features
Bannari Pseudo Care secretes enzymes like cellulase and chitinase, which dissolves cell wall of the pathogenic fungi thereby, reduces the disease factors.
Bannari Pseudo Care secretes anti metabolite compounds and hydrogen cyanide, which destroy the pathogenic fungi.
Methods of Application
Seed treatment
Mix 100 ml or 200 gms of Bannari Pseudo Care with rice gruel or 5 % jaggery solution. Treat seed materials required for an acre in the slurry before sowing.
Seedling, Tuber and Sett treatment
Dip the seedling, tuber and sett required for an acre in a solution containing 1 litre or 2 kgs of Bannari Pseudo Care and 50 litres of water.
Foliar spray
Mix 2 litres of Bannari Pseudo Care in 1 kg of jaggery or rice gruel solution. Mix the solution in 200 litres of water for spraying. Repeat the spraying at fortnightly interval.
Soil application
Mix 3 – 4 litres or 6 – 8 kgs of Bannari Pseudo Care per acre with 500 kgs of well decomposed farm yard manure or biocompost and apply in the field. For banana and coconut, apply Bannari Pseudomonas @ 30 ml or 60 gms mixed with 1 kg of well decomposed farm yard manure near the root zone and cover it with soil.
Drip Irrigation
Apply 3-4 litres of Bannari Pseudo Care per acre .
LEAF CARE (Bacillus subtilis) Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
Sugarcane, Turmeric, Paddy, Banana, Tomato, Brinjal, Chillies, Onion, Coconut, Pulses, Tea, Cardamom, Pepper, Coffee, Vegetables and Flowering Plants.
Salient Features
- Bannari Leaf Care is used as natural biological control agent. Bacillus subtilis is capable of suppressing the fungal growth which has both antagonistic and hydrolytic activity.
- Bannari Leaf Care is found in the root zone, it increases the plant growth and cause lysis of fungal mycelia.
- Bannari Leaf Care produces mycolytic enzymes, chitinase, glucanase and cellulase.
- Bannari Leaf Care also has nematicidal activity.
- It mobilize the insoluble phosphorus and zinc in soil and make it available which can be readily assimilated by the plants.
Methods of Application
Foliar spray
Mix 2 litres or 4 kgs of Bannari Leaf Care per acre in 200 litres of water for spraying in early morning or evening to get good result. Repeat the spraying at fortnightly interval.
Soil application
Mix 3 – 4 litres or 6 – 8 kgs of Bannari Leaf Care per acre with 500 kgs of well decomposed farm yard manure or biocompost and apply in the field.
Drip Irrigation
Apply 2 – 3 litres of Bannari Leaf Care per acre.
ROOT CARE (TH) (Trichoderma harzianum) Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
Sugarcane, Turmeric, Banana, Coconut, Groundnut, Pulses, Tomato, Bhendi, Brinjal, Chillies, Onion, Ginger, Potato, Betelvine, Mulberry, Arecanut, Tea, Cardamom, Pepper, Grapes, Coffee and other Vegetables and Flowering Plants.
Salient Features
Bannari Root Care(TH) , secrete enzymes like glucanase and chitinase, which dissolve cell wall of the pathogenic fungi thereby reduce the disease factors.
Bannari Root Care(TH) , secrete toxic compounds like glycotoxin, viridin and trichodermin, which destroy the pathogenic fungi.
Methods of Application
Seed treatment
Mix 100 ml or 200 gms of Bannari Root Care(TH) with rice gruel or 5 % jaggery solution. Treat the seed materials required for an acre in the slurry before sowing.
Seedling, Tuber and Sett treatment
Dip the seedling, tuber and sett required for an acre in the solution containing 1 litre or 2 kgs of Bannari Root Care(TH) with 50 litres of water.
Soil application
Mix 3 – 4 litres or 6 – 8 kgs of Bannari Root Care(TH) with 500 kgs of decomposed farm yard manure or biocompost and apply to the field. For the crop plants planted in pit, pit application should be done. For banana and coconut plants, Bannari Root Care(TH) is applied at a depth of 2-3 cm @ 30 ml or 50 gms mixed with well decomposed farm yard manure near the root zone and cover it with soil.
Drip Irrigation
Apply 3 – 4 litres of Bannari Root Care (TH) per acre.
(2) BIO INSECTICIDES Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
LARVA HUNTER (Beauveria bassiana) Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
Sugarcane, Turmeric, Paddy, Banana, Coconut, Groundnut, Pulses, Tomato, Bhendi, Brinjal, Chillies, Onion, Ginger, Potato, Betelvine, Mulberry, Arecanut, Tea, Cardamom, Pepper, Grapes, Coffee, and other Vegetables and Flowering Plants.
Controlled pests
Boll worms, leaf eating caterpillars, Spodoptera, lepidopterous and coleopterous pests.
Mode of action
By absorbing nutrients from the insect system, by secretion of toxic compounds and blocking of respiratory and dietary tracts by the fungal mycelia and thereby effectively controlling the pests.
Methods of Application
Foliar spray
Mix 2 litres or 4 kgs of Bannari Larva Hunter per acre in 1 kg of jaggery solution in 200 litres of water for spraying in early morning or evening to get good result. Repeat the spraying at fortnightly interval.
LARVA HUNTER (Beauveria brongniartii) Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
Sugarcane, Turmeric, Banana, Coconut, Groundnut, Pulses, Tomato,Bhendi, Brinjal, Chillies, Onion, Ginger, Potato, Betelvine, Mulberry, Arecanut, Tea, Cardamom, Pepper, Grapes, Coffee and other Vegetables and Flowering Plants.
Controlled pests
Sugarcane white grubs, boll worms, leaf eating caterpillars, Spodoptera and other Lepidopteran and Coleopteran pests.
Methods of Application
Foliar spray
Mix 2 litres or 4 kgs of Bannari Larva Hunter per acre in 1 kg of jaggery solution in 200 litres of water for spraying in early morning or evening to get good result. Repeat the spraying at fortnightly interval.
Soil application
Mix 3 – 4 litres or 4 – 6 kgs of Bannari Larva Hunter per acre with 500 kgs of well decomposed farm yard manure or biocompost and apply in the field to control soil borne pests.
Drip Irrigation
Apply 3 – 4 litres of Bannari Larva Hunter per acre .
LARVA TERMINATOR (Bacillus thuringiensis) Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
Sugarcane, Turmeric, Paddy, Banana, Coconut, Groundnut, Pulses,Tomato, Bhendi, Brinjal, Chillies, Onion, Ginger, Potato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Betelvine, Arecanut, Tea, Cardamom, Pepper, Grapes, Coffee, and other vegetables and flowering plants.
Controlled pests
Boll worms, Spodoptera, leaf eating caterpillars, semi-looper and looper caterpillars, and other Lepidopteran and Coleopteran pests.
Mode of action
Larva Terminator infects insect species of the orders Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera etc., by releasing Cry proteins which when inserted into the insect gut cell membrane, paralyzes the digestive tract and forming pores in microvilli of apical membrane. Subsequently cell lysis and distruption of the midgut epithelium occurs which releases the cell contents providing spores a germination medium leading to severe septicemia and insect starves to death.
Methods of Application
Foliar spray
Mix 2 litres or 4 kgs of Bannari Thuringiensis per acre in 1 kg of jaggery solution in 100 litres of water for spraying in early morning or evening to get good result. Repeat the spraying at fortnightly interval.
GRUB HUNTER(Metarhizium anisopliae)
Sugarcane, Cotton, Paddy, Sorghum, Sunflower, Groundnut, Mustard, Cumin, Grapes, Guava, Sapota, Citrus, Mango, Pomegranate, Custardapple, Coconut, Tea, Coffee, Cardamom & Vegetables etc.
Controlled pests
Beetles, leaf eating caterpillars, termites, white grubs and root grub.
Methods of Application
Foliar spray
Mix 2 litres or 4 kgs of Bannari Grub Hunter in 1 kg of jaggery solution in 200 litres of water for spraying in early morning or evening to get good result. Repeat the spraying at fortnightly interval.
Field application
Mix 3 – 4 litres or 4 – 6 kgs of Bannari Metarhizium per acre with 500 kgs of well decomposed farm yard manure or biocompost and apply in the field. For soil drenching mix it with 200 litres of water and apply in the root zone of crops.
Application in farm yard manure pit
Apply 4 litres or 6 kgs of Bannari Metarhizium in farm yard manure pit (5 tons), which effectively controls the grubs of Rhinoceros beetles.
Drip Irrigaion
Apply 3 – 4 litres of Bannari Metarhizium per acre .
GRUB FIGHTER (Beauveria brongniartii & Metarhizium anisopliae)
Sugarcane, Cotton, Paddy, Sorghum, Sunflower, Groundnut, Mustard, Cumin, Grapes, Guava, Sapota, Citrus, Mango, Pomegranate, Custardapple, Coconut, Tea, Cardamom, Grapes, Coffee and Vegetables etc.
Controlled pests
Beetles, leaf eating caterpillars, termites, white grubs, sucking pests and root grubs and other Coleopteran pests.
Methods of Application
Foliar spray
Mix 2 litres of Bannari Grub Fighter and 1 Kg of jaggery solution in 200 litres of water for spraying in early morning or evening to get good result. Repeat the spraying at fortnightly interval.
Field Application
Mix 3 – 4 litres or 4 – 6 kgs of Bannari Beauvemet per acre with 500 kgs of well decomposed farm yard manure or biocompost and apply in the fied. For soil drenching mix it with 200 litres of water and apply in the root zone of crops.
Application in Farm yard manure pit
Apply 4 litres or 6 kgs of Bannari Beauvemet in farm yard manure pit (5 tons), which effectively controls the grubs of Rhinoceros beetles.
Drip Irrigation
Apply 2-3 litres of Bannari Beauvemet per acre.
INSECT CONTROLLER (Beauveria bassiana & Verticillium lecanii)
Sugarcane, Cotton, Paddy, Sorghum, Sunflower, Groundnut, Mustard, Papaya, Cumin, Grapes, Guava, Sapota, Citrus, Mango, Pomegranate, Custardapple, Coconut, Arecanut, Tea, Cardamom, Pepper, Coffee, Vegetables etc.
Controlled pests
Lepidopterous larvae and sucking insects like aphids, thrips, hoppers, scale insects, white flies and mealy bugs, red spider mite occur together.
Methods of Application
Foliar spray
Mix 2 litres or 4kgs of Bannari Insect Controller per acre in 1 kg of jaggery solution. Mix the solution in 200 litres of water for spraying. Repeat the spraying at fortnightly interval.
PEST HUNTER(Verticillium lecanii)
Sugarcane, Cotton, Paddy, Sorghum, Sunflower, Groundnut, Mustard, Cumin, Grapes, Guava, Sapota, Citrus, Mango, Pomegranate, Custardapple, Coconut, Tea, Coffee, Cardamom & Vegetables etc.
Controlled pests
Sucking insects like aphids, thrips, hoppers, scale insects, white flies and mealy bugs, red spider mites.
Methods of Application
Foliar spray
Mix 2 litres or 4 kgs of Bannari Pest Hunter per acre in 1 kg of jaggery solution. Mix the solution in 200 litres of water for spraying. Repeat the spraying at fortnightly interval.
NEMATODE HUNTER (Paecilomyces lilacinus)
Nematode control in crops – Sugarcane, Turmeric, Banana, Tomato, Ginger, Potato, Cardamom, Pepper, Coffee, Tea, Grapes, Vegetables and Flowering plants.
Methods of Application
Mix 3 – 4 litres or 4 – 6 kgs of Bannari Nematode Hunter per acre with 500 kgs of well decomposed farm yard manure and keep under shade with moisture for a week. Apply in early morning or evening near the root zone and then irrigate. For soil drenching mix it with 200 litres of water and apply around the root zone of crops.
Drip Irrigation
Apply 3 – 4 litres of Bannari Nematode Hunter per acre .
NEMATODE HUNTER (PC) (Pochonia chlamydosporia)
Nematode control in crops – Sugarcane, Turmeric, Banana, Tomato, Ginger, Potato, Cardamom, Pepper, Coffee, Tea, Grapes, Vegetables and Flowering plants.
Methods of Application
Mix 3 – 4 litres or 4 – 6 kgs of Bannari Nematode Hunter(PC) per acre with 500 kgs of well decomposed farm yard manure and keep under shade with moisture for a week. Apply in early morning or evening near the root zone and then irrigate. For soil drenching mix it with 200 litres of water and apply around the root zone of crops.
Drip Irrigation
Apply 3 – 4 litres of Bannari Nematode Hunter(PC) per acre.
BIO-DECOMPOSER (Microbial Consortium)
Salient Features
Bannari composting culture contains Actinomycetes, Bacteria and Fungi which utilizes lignin and cellulose of farm waste and converts it into nutrient rich, pathogen free, organic fertilizer in a short period of time.
Methods of Application
For every tonne of organic waste, mix 2 litre or 4 kgs of Bannari Bio-Decomposer. Minimum moisture should be maintained to improve the efficiency of composting culture. Duration of composting depends on the type of farm waste used.
BIOZYME (Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer)
Bannari Biozyme is a plant nutrient product extracted from seaweed, Sargasam whitee. It is useful for soil application as well as for foliar spraying. It contains macronutrients viz., Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (NPK), secondary nutrients viz., Calcium,Magnesium, and Sulphur, micronutrients viz., Zinc, Copper, Iron, and Manganese.
It also contains natural plant growth promoting hormones, plant growth promoting polysaccharides, proteins, aminoacids, and natural phenolic compounds for inducing resistance to plant diseases and pests.
- Enhances seed germination.
- Promotes photosynthetic activity.
- Enhances flowering.
- Improves fruit quality.
- Enhances the plants to resist drought, diseases and frost.
- Increases the crop yield up to 25%.
- When applied to the soil improves soil fertility and porosity.
Methods of application
Foliar spray : Mix 10 ml of Bannari Biozyme in 1 litre of water and apply 2-3 times during vegetative stage and one time before and after flowering.
Seed treatment: Mix 200 ml of Bannari Biozyme with 200 ml rice gruel or 5% jaggery solution. Treat the seed materials required for an acre in the slurry, shade dry for 30 minutes and sow the seeds within 24 hrs.
Soil Application : 5 litres per acre.
BIOGEL (Seaweed Fertilizer)
Bannari Bioseaweed gel is a plant nutrient product extract from seaweed, Sargasam whitee.
When applied in soil it promotes vigorous growth of plants ultimately result in higher yield.
It contains macronutrients viz., Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (NPK), secondary nutrients viz., Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulphur, micronutrients viz., Zinc, Copper, Iron, and Manganese.
It also contains natural plant growth promoting hormones, plant growth promoting polysaccharides, proteins, aminoacids, and natural phenolic compounds for inducing resistance to plant diseases and pests.
- Enhances seed germination.
- Promotes photosynthetic activity.
- Increases root volume.
- Enhances flowering.
- Improves fruit quality.
- Increases the crop yield up to 25%.
- When applied to the soil improves soil fertility and porosity.
Dosage and method of application :
For long duration crops like Sugarcane, Banana, Turmeric etc., apply Bannari Biogel 10 kgs per acre in two split dose and short duration crops 5 kgs per acre is mixed with 500 kgs of well decomposed farm yard manure or biocompost and apply to the field.
- Sugarcane biological boost contains macro and essential micro nutrients.
- Liquid formulation allow for rapid uptake when applied directly to the leaves.
- Application of Sugarcane biological boost imparts disease resistance in sugarcane.
- Application of Sugarcane biological boost increases sugarcane yield and sugar recovery.
- Iron and zinc deficiency causes reduction in leaf size and yellowing of leaves resulting in interveinal chlorosis. Sugarcane biological boost corrects these deficiencies and makes the plant to grow normally.
- It corrects boron deficiency which causes tip drying and unfurling of younger leaves.
- Mix 20 ml of Bannari Sugarcane biological boost in 1 litre of water for spraying.
- Repeat the spray at 15 days interval.
- Improves plant growth and imparts disease resistance.
- Increases nut yield and oil content.
- Improves other nutrients availability to plant roots.
- Prevents button shedding caused by iron and boron deficiency.
- Prevents stem bleeding caused by copper and calcium defeciency.
- Reduces the incidence of eriophyid mite attack in nuts.
Recommended dose:
- Apply 300 to 500 grams of Bannari Coconut Micronutrient mixture once in 6 months per tree.
- Apply Bannari Coconut Micronutrient mixture three feet away from the tree trunk at a depth of 1/2 feet.
- Application of micronutrients corrects the following problems – Yellowing of leaves, reduced leaf size, tip bending in unopened leaf and hanging down of leaves.
- Prevent cracking of fruits and avoids development of spots on fruits.
- Correction of micronutrient deficiency makes the plant to grow rapidly, produce bigger bunches with more number of hands and increase in fruit weight ultimately resulting in higher yield.
- Makes available all the nutrients required for plant growth and imparts disease resistance.
Recommended dose:
Apply 10 to 20 kgs of Bannari Banana Micronutrient mixture per acre in two to four months old plants.
- Sugarcane biological boost contains macro and essential micro nutrients.
- Liquid formulation allow for rapid uptake when applied directly to the leaves.
- Application of Sugarcane biological boost imparts disease resistance in sugarcane.
- Application of Sugarcane biological boost increases sugarcane yield and sugar recovery.
- Iron and zinc deficiency causes reduction in leaf size and yellowing of leaves resulting in interveinal chlorosis. Sugarcane biological boost corrects these deficiencies and makes the plant to grow normally.
- It corrects boron deficiency which causes tip drying and unfurling of younger leaves.
- Mix 20 ml of Bannari Sugarcane biological boost in 1 litre of water for spraying.
- Repeat the spray at 15 days interval.
- Banana biological boost contains macro and essential micro nutrients.
- Application of Banana biological boost imparts disease resistance in banana.
- Corrects the Yellowing of leaves,reduced leaf size,tip bending in unopened leaf and hanging down of leaves.
- Prevents the cracking of fruits and avoids development of spots on fruits.
- Correction of micronutrient deficiency makes the plant to grow rapidly, produce bigger bunches with more number of hands and increase in fruit weight ultimately resulting in higher yield.
- Liquid formulation allow for rapid uptake when applied directly to the leaves.
- Mix 10 ml of Bannari Banana biological boost in 1 litre of water for spraying.
- Repeat the spray at 15 days interval.
- Turmeric biological boost contains macro and essential micro nutrients.
- Liquid formulation allow for rapid uptake when applied directly to the leaves.
- Application of Turmeric biological boost imparts disease resistance in turmeric.
- Iron and zinc deficiency causes reduction in leaf size and yellowing of leaves resulting in interveinal chlorosis.Turmeric biological boost corrects these deficiencies makes the plant to grow normally.
- It plays an important role in balanced crop nutrition.
- It improves quality,quantity,greener leaves and healthy plants.
- It enhances the yield upto 20-30%
- Mix 10 ml of Bannari Turmeric biological boost in 1 litre of water for spraying.
- Repeat the spray at 15 days interval .
BIOLOGICAL BOOST – TURMERIC FOLIAR Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
- Turmeric biological boost contains macro and essential micro nutrients.
- Liquid formulation allow for rapid uptake when applied directly to the leaves.
- Application of Turmeric biological boost imparts disease resistance in all turmeric.
- Iron and zinc deficiency causes reduction in leaf size and yellowing of leaves resulting in interveinal chlorosis. Turmeric biological boost corrects these deficiencies makes the plant to grow normally.
- It plays an important role in balanced crop nutrition.
- It improves quality, quantity, greener leaves and healthy plants.
- It enhances the yield upto 20 – 30%.
- Mix 10 ml of Bannari Turmeric biological boost in 1 litre of water for spraying.
- Repeat the spray at 15 days interval.
BIOLOGICAL BOOST – SUGARCANE DRIP SPECIAL Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
- Sugarcane biological boost contains macro and essential micro nutrients.
- Application of sugarcane biological boost improves physical properties of the soil and also imparts disease resistance in sugarcane.
- Increases sugarcane yield and sugar recovery.
- Iron and zinc deficiency causes reduction in leaf size and yellowing of leaves resulting in interveinal chlorosis. Sugarcane biological boost corrects these deficiencies and makes the plant to grow normally.
- Corrects boron deficiency which causes tip drying and unfurling of younger leaves
- By liquid formulation of micronutrient, uniform application can be easily obtained.
Plant crop:
Mix 10 litres of Bannari sugarcane biological boost per acre with 50 to 100 litres of water. Apply this mixture in 30 to 60 days after planting.
Ratoon crop:
Mix 10 litres of Bannari sugarcane biological boost per acre with 50 to 100 litres of water. Apply this mixture in 30 to 45 days after ratooning.
BIOLOGICAL BOOST – BANANA DRIP SPECIAL Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
- Banana biological boost contains macro and essential micro nutrients.
- Application of Banana biological boost improves physical properties of the soil and also imparts disease resistance in banana.
- Corrects the yellowing of leaves,reduced leaf size,tip bending in unopened leaf and hanging down of leaves.
- Prevents the cracking of fruits and avoids development of spots on fruits.
- Banana biological boost makes the plant to grow rapidly, produce bigger bunches with more number of hands and increase in fruit weight ultimately resulting in higher yield.
- By liquid formulation of micronutrient, uniform application can be easily obtained.
Mix 10 litres of Bannari Banana biological boost per acre with 50 to 100 litres of water. Apply this mixture in 30 to 40 days after planting.
BIOLOGICAL BOOST – COCONUT DRIP SPECIAL Bio fertilizers & Bio Insecticides
- Coconut liquid micronutrient contains macro and essential micro nutrients.
- Application of Coconut biological boost improves physical properties of the soil and also imparts disease resistance in coconut.
- Increases nut yield and oil content.
- Prevents button shedding caused by iron and boron deficiency.
- Prevents stem bleeding caused by copper and calcium.
- Improves other nutrients availability to plant roots.
- By liquid formulation of micronutrient, uniform application can be easily obtained.
Apply 250 ml of Bannari Coconut biological boost mixture once in six month per tree.Apply Bannari coconut liquid micronutrient mixture three feet away from the tree trunk at a depth of ½ feet.
Bannari Amman Sugars Limited – Unit 1,
Alathukombai post, Sathyamangalam – 638 401,
Erode District, Tamilnadu, India.
Phone : (+91) 4295 250264
Sales Queries : (+91) 95970 12000
Technical Queries : (+91) 98422 13400
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