A Bond Strands

11KV Load Break Switches

A Bond Strands is a leading original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of HT On/Off 11KV Load Break Switches, Isolators up to 36kV, load break switches and panels that are extensively used in power plants and distribution networks. Epoxy products, FRP Tubes, Pneumatic Cylinders are also manufactured according to customer needs. They manufacture plugs and sockets, bolted half couplers and adaptors for both high -low voltage ratings with provision for both power and control, Electrical Turning Joints. They offer engineering solutions to clients to the demands of the power sector and industrial clients.



ABS Load Break Switches and Isolators for voltages ranging from 3.3KV to 36 KV offers a high technical standard and economy over the years for the switchgear manufacturer with dependability, reliability and versatility.

Main Features

  • High operating reliability
  • Simple maintenance and inspection
  • High dynamic and thermal strength
  • Tested in CPRI as per IS-9920.
  • Special tubular arc-chutes.
  • Current interruption without visible
  • Simple driving mechanism

The salient feature of ABS Load Break Switch is its ability to permit load connections even under a short circuit condition without danger to the operating personnel. It complies with IEC. VOE and IS standards.


A.Bond Strands manufactures a quality range of medium voltage motor control centres and direct on line Starters (DOL) to control motors. Since its launch in 1990, 011r MCCS are rapidly gaining customer confidence and respect wherever they have been installed. Our design combines flexibility, safety and ease of maintenance inherent in our proven layouts and components. This with our systems expertise enables specialised needs of most industries to be completely satisfied.

Salient Features

  • Compact, requires less floor area.
  • Simple and easy to install even on mobile machines.
  • Maximum personal safety.
  • EdS}’ accessibility for maintenance.
  • Interchangeability of equipment of 3.3 Kv/6.6 KV ratings.
  • Custom built, to suit type of machines on which the MCC is located.
  • Vacuum contactor I Air break contractor of reputed make as per customer’s requirement. viz. BHEL, JYOTI, etc.


ABS make Motor control cubicles panel are very compact, and generally satisfy requirements of relevant IS /IEC

COMPACT 12KV/24KV RMU (RING MAIN UNITS) 11KV Load Break Switches

A Bond Strands is engaged in the field of design and manufacture of Medium Voltage Ring Main Units (RMU). Ring main units with Tee-Off fuse switch units, are the compact distribution panels designed to cover the switching duties which is a vital part of any distribution network.



A Bond-Strands has been a pioneer in the manufacture of glass fibre Filament wound products and pipes for more than two-decade. Filament winding is a precision winding method with which almost any form and dimension can be made from resin impregnated Filaments of glass fibre.

Epoxy Resin Cast Components 11KV Load Break Switches

A Bond-Strands is in the field of manufacturing of epoxy resin components for more than three decades. Their facility has a full component of equipment like Automatic pressure gelation machines, casting cabinets, mixing chambers lo produce void- free epoxy castings of high quality to suit critical high voltage applications. This is complimented by a range of testing equipment like Partial Discharge Testing Kit, Power Frequency Test and Universal Testing Machine to undertake the necessary Electrical and Mechanical Test.


Power Cable Accessories 11KV Load Break Switches

A Bond-Strands is in the field of manufacture of various switchgear rind power cable accessories for more than two decades. Their facility has a full complement of high precision machines to fabricate and machine various cable accessories and full-fledged laboratory where they conduct voltage withstand tests. They manufacture plugs and sockets, bolted half couplers and adaptors for both high and low voltage ratings with provision for both power and control.

Electrical Turning Joint & Slipring Assembly

A Bond-Strands manufactures electrical turning joints and slipring assemblies suitable for use in various applications. They are used when power is transmitted through a cable to a rotating member of an equipment to avoid causing twist and fatigue to the cable.

Junction boxes

They offer a complete range of services including drafting of technical specifications, layouts, selection of equipment, preparation of single line drawing, schematics, wiring diagrams, cable schedule, approval from statutory bodies and also organize and witness of type testing in National and International laboratories.


They offer complete engineering solutions to the clients to meet the demands of the power sector and industrial clients.

  • Substations 11 kV to 245 kV
  • Medium Voltage Switchgear & Substation
  • Low Voltage Switchgear Panels
  • Control Schemes & Schematics
  • Study / Drafting / Design of Technical Specifications & Drawings
  • Design & Developing Design

In the above areas they can offer complete services which include drafting of technical specifications, layouts, selection of equipment, preparation of single line diagram, schematics, wiring diagrams, cable schedule, approval from statutory bodies, organize and witness of type testing in National/International Laboratories.

164, Developed Plots,
Chennai – 600 096. INDIA

+91-44-24960536, 044-24960833, 044-42154736

info@abondstrands.com, abondstrands@gmail.com


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On Load Gears


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