NS ECO Solution is a leading manufacturer of Eco-friendly dry tanning chemicals. It’s a joint venture between two leading companies in the leather industry – Naser Group and Saba Group. The company aims at providing eco-friendly and environmentally sustainable solutions across industries. With its range of ECOSAVE products, the company will look to maintain a clean and healthy environment and contribute to prevent Global Warming.
The Dry Tanning Process
Dry Tanning is a revolutionary “Water saving tanning technology” system that can bring a paradigm shift in leather-manufacturing sectors. It uses ECOSAVE range of products as a medium for tanning instead of water and drastically reduces water consumption. In addition to being an eco-friendly process, Dry Tanning also results in significant time savings.
Features & Benefits
• Pickle free tanning
• Complete elimination of salinity
• No new or additional infrastructure
• Substantial reduction in chemical input (eg. BCS up to 30%)
• Load discharge reduced up to 90%
• High uptake and exhaustion of Cr 95-98%
• Almost ‘0’ ppm Cr leaching
• Average Cr content is 4.0/4.2g
Leather Process Technologies
CLRI has over the years built up a strong base of a wide range of technologies. Conscious efforts are made by this Institute to secure appropriate Intellectual Property (IP) Rights like PATENT (in India and abroad) and COPYRIGHT in respect of the new developments.
Waterless Chrome Tanning Technology (Wctt)
Technology Outline
- Use of water during chrome tanning is very important for attaining uniform diffusion, distribution and hydrolysis of chromium
- Waterless chrome tanning that eliminates the use of water, salt, sulfuric acid and basification salts during the chrome tanning process is well known
- There is a need for the development of a product for facilitating chrome tanning without water for widespread manufacturing and application
Salient Features/ Highlights/ Advantages
- A product composition for pre-treatment during waterless chrome tanning process
- Complete elimination of salt and sulphuric acid
- Complete elimination of inorganic acids
- Reduction of Total dissolved solids in wastewater
- No discharge of chrome containing wastewater
- Wet blue leathers on par with the conventionally tanned leathers
Business Case and Translation Status
- Product developed and validated at pilot scale
- Commercial level validation on goat skins and cow hides carried out at a tannery in Ranipet
- The product is already commercialized
Dry Tanning (Dispersing Agent)
Technology Outline
- Multiple benefits relating to in-process abatement of effluent problem, curtailing process steps, huge water conservation, time economy and cost saving
Salient Features/ Highlights/ Advantages
- New composition for waterless chrome tanning
- Time saving to the extent of about 30%
- Delimed skins treated without addition of any water or any other liquid medium
- Reduces number of unit operations
- No requirement of any additional infrastructure
- Reduces the requirement of conventional chrome tanning agent by about 50%
- Potential saving of 15 Million Liters of water per day when adopted by the entire country
Business Case and Translation Status
The technology is already commercialized in India.
NS Eco Solution Private Limited,
No. 1703, Phase II,
Sathuvachari, Vellore, 632 009
Ph +91 416 22529 52/44
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