Passaro Exports based at Chennai is a leading exporter of frozen Indian Gooseberry and frozen Indian gooseberry juice. Each Indian Gooseberry weighs between 50-70 gms. Organic gooseberry powder in capsule form is also offered. Amla can also be mixed with cattle feed and poultry farm.
Packaging: 5/10/25 kgs in corrugated boxes.
Indian Gooseberry plant samplings are also offered for sale. The offered hybrid varieties are Banarasi, NA 7, Krishna (NA 4) , Kanchan (NA 5), Chakaiya and Bhavani Sagar Variety (BSR 1).
Indian Gooseberry Plant Samplings
- Grows in all types of soil with pH value upto 8.5. There shouldn’t be water logging in the land.
- Ideal crop for salty soil/land.
- Less water is needed.
- Low maintenance crop.
- 5 varieties per acre is advisable. The different varieties increase the yield per acre and helps in cross pollination.
- 200 samplings per acre. 40 samplings each per variety.
- Distance between samplings: 10 ft x 10 ft / 15 ft x 15 ft / 18 ft x 18 ft
- Standard pit size for planting: 3 ft x 3 ft x 3 ft.
- 5 kg of animal manure needs to be used as a fertilizer per tree.
- Bio-fertilizers like azospirillum (400 gms), phosphobacteria (200 gms) and pseudomonas (20 gms) per pit can be used.
- Fish amino acid / Effective Microorganism (EM) preparation / Waste decomposer (WDC) can be sprayed after 3 days.
- Water usage: 25 to 30 litres every 15 days. Morning 15 litres, evening 15 litres.
- The tree has to be pruned every 6 months to increase the branches.
- Height of the tree to be restricted between 8-15 feet.
- Yield starts after 3 years. Each tree yield: 3rd year 25 kgs, 4th year 50 kgs, 5th year 70 kgs to 130 kgs.
- Each fruit weighs 50-70 gms. 15-20 fruits per KG.
- Per acre yield: 750 kg to 1 MT per day
- Indian gooseberry can be harvested for 8 months in a year.
- Life: 40 years
Aonla (Phyllanthus emblica L.) or Indian gooseberry/Amla is indigenous to Indian sub-continent. India ranks first in the world in area and production of this crop with 1,072,910 MT per year (2017-18).
Amla (Phyllanthus emblica L.) is a small to medium sized deciduous tree belonging to the family Phyllanthaceae. It grows as wild or cultivated throughout tropical India. It is one of the most commonly used and important herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Fruits of Amla are considered as best among rejuvenating and anti-aging drugs.
Fruit is an important source of Vitamin C. Other important chemical constituents present are tannins, Phyllemblin, Linolic acid, Indole acetic acid, Ellagic acid, Phyllemblic acid etc.
Dose for internal use is 3-6 g of drug powder and 5-10 ml of fresh juice.
Various studies show that Amla possesses anti-diabetic, hypolipedemic, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hepatoprotective and anti-emetic activities. Some important single drug uses of Amla are:
- Consumption of fresh fruit daily (1-2 numbers) increases immunity and provides rejuvenating effect.
- Fresh juice of Amla (5-10ml) mixed with sugar can be taken in bleeding disorders.
- Fresh juice of Amla (5-10 ml) mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder and taken empty stomach is beneficial in Diabetic patients.
- Intake of Amla churna (3-6 g) mixed with honey helps in restoration of vision.
- External application of Amla paste on scalp promotes health and lustre of hair.
Besides medicinal uses, Amla fruit is eaten raw and cooked into various dishes and it acts as herbal food supplement.
Passaro Exports Exporter of Frozen Indian Gooseberry / Frozen Indian Gooseberry Juice / Amla
Chennai 600100
Tamilnadu, India
+91 98844 80980
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