Established in the year 2001, Krishna Scientific Suppliers is engaged in the Manufacturing of Industrial Fermenter, Autoclave, Incubator, mixing machines and other laboratory instruments & equipment.
Their product range includes:
- 100 Liter Fermenter
- 100 Liter Fixed Speed Fermenter
- 100 Liter Pully Fermenter
- 100 Liter Pully Fermenter with Steam Generator
- 100 Liter Variable Speed Fermenter
- 200 Liter Fermenter
- 200 Liter Fermenter with Steam Generator
- 25 Liter Fermenter Pully Type
- 25 Liter Fermenter Pully Type with Steam Generator
- 25 Liter Fixed Speed Fermenter
- 25 Liter Pully Fermenter
- 25 Liter Variable Speed Fermenter
- 25 Liter Variable Speed Fermenter with PH Meter
- 300 Liter Fermenter
- 50 Liter Fermenter
- 50 Liter Fixed Speed Fermenter
- 50 Liter Pully Fermenter
- 50 Liter Pully Fermenter with Steam Generator
- 50 Liter Variable Speed Fermenter
- 50 Liter Variable Speed Fermenter with Ph
- Commercial Fermenter
- Cylindrical Fermenter
- Enzyme Fermenter
- Fermentation Tank
- Glass Fermenter
- In Situ Fermenter
- Industrial Fermenter
- Industrial Vessel
- Jacketed Vessel
- Production Vessel
- Reactor Vessel
- Stainless Steel Conical Fermenter
- Stainless Steel Fermenter
- Stainless Steel Reaction Vessel
- Three Phase Laboratory Fermenter
- 1000 Liter Fermenter
- 2000 Liter Fermenter
- 500 Liter Fermenter
- Bod Incubator
- Enzyme Fermenter
- Fermenter Vessel
- Fumigation Chamber
- Industrial Furnace
- Industrial Glass Fermenter
- Lab Fermenter
- Laboratory Fermenter
- Laboratory Hot Plates
- Magnetic Stirrer
- Production Fermenters
- Rectangular Hot Plate
- SS Bioreactor
- SS Conical Fermenter
- SS Lab Fermenter
- SS Laboratory Fermenter
- SS Mesh Sieves
- Compaction Factor Apparatus
- Cylindrical Vertical Autoclave
- Horizontal Cylindrical Autoclave
- Horizontal Rectangular Autoclave
- Industrial Steam Sterilizer
- Instrument Sterilizer
- Portable Autoclave
- Rectangular Horizontal Autoclave
- Semi-Automatic Horizontal Rectangular Autoclave
- Semi-Automatic Portable Autoclave
- Single Phase Vertical Autoclave
- SS Vertical Autoclave
- Stainless Steel Horizontal Autoclave
- Vertical Autoclave
- Vertical Laboratory Autoclave
- Water Level Cut Off Autoclave
- Batch Mixer
- Cone Blenders
- Detergent Powder Mixing Machine
- Double Cone Blender
- Granules Mixing Machine
- High Speed Mixer
- Horizontal Mixers
- Laboratory Mixing Machine
- Liquid Mixers
- Mechanical Mixers
- Mixing Machine
- Mixing Tanks
- Mixing Vessels
- Ribbon Blender
- Single Phase Mixing Machine
- Stainless Steel Mixing Machine
- Vertical Mixers
- Aggregate Impact Tester
- Analyzer Equipment
- Bacteriological Incubator
- Brass Frame Sieves
- Dehumidifier
- Digital Colony Counter
- Dissolved Oxygen Meter
- Fuming Hood
- Humidifier
- Lab Trolley
- Laboratory Sieves
- Tar Viscometer
- TDS Meter
Krishna Scientific Suppliers Manufacturer of Industrial Fermenter, Autoclave, Incubator and Lab equipment
Plot No 61, Kamatchi Nagar,
Porur-Kundathur Road,
Chennai 600125.
Tamilnadu, India
+91 9884 848 329
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